Friday, April 23, 2010

Is it easy? Is it worth it?

There is a saying that I have heard over and over again about turning your life over to Jesus makes life so much easier. I have given Jesus my life. I made a decision to sacrifice it all for His work. Easy? No.Worth it? Totally.

I have found that since I have made a heart felt decision to turn it all over to the Lord that ole satan comes after me harder and harder. Some stuff is just small stuff like a car breaking down. Other stuff is bigger and includes my daughter. I always hold on to the fact that He will never leave me or forsake me. He is my ever present comfort in times of turmoil. Each time satan takes a jab at me I just ask Jesus to take care of that for me.

Satan does not want us to play for Jesus' team and will stop at nothing to make sure we get discouraged and give up. I believe satan is a master at playing mind games and lying. Always trying to find a way to defeat us or make us give up on ourselves.

Well, satan, here is what I have to say to you. The church of Henry County, Va will fight you. We will continue to help those in need and share God's love and the hope of Jesus with them. We will build a shelter and a dream center. We will help the weakest of God's children by giving them a hand up. When you decide to personally attack me and my family I will stand firm in my faith. I will fight against you so that you do not damage my family, my church family, the people we are trying to help or our hopes and dreams. Sorry, to tell you satan, but at the end of the story, GOD WINS.

Bottom line....following Jesus is hard but it is because of satan that it is hard. Following Jesus is worth it...when you think you are blessing someone else you are the one who is being blessed.
Hold on to your faith, talk to and engage in a true relationship with Jesus and there is no battle you cannot win. Read the book...there you can see the begining, the hope and encouragement and the end.

Totally worth it.


  1. Easy, nope!! Worth it, yep!! Great thoughts..I certainly agree with you in relation to Satan coming after us...I know for me in my life as I have grown and reached out in the last 3 years or so satan has attempted to attack my family as never before, he would love nothing more than to tear that is so evident...folks are watching every step we take, thankfully I have the opportunity to love my family through Christ in greater ways, to speak into the life of others, and to be in a church that is impacting our city and is immensely kingdom minded in all they do...I was with a pastor this week and he shared from 1 Corinthians 13:8 and translated "Love Never Fails" as "Love Wins"...spoke loud and clear to me that as we build into others; especially those who are hurting, struggling with addictions, serious life issues, etc. that "Love Wins", love others as Christ loved us as we are commanded to do...reminded also of what I've heard Matthew Barnett share a few times, "whoever shows up the most in one life will win the battle of influence"...I believe in what you'll are doing, know the Lord is going to protect you but satan is going to step up his attack on the church and those we minister to in even bigger ways, however, I'm thankful that Love Wins!!! so let's all continue to go forward in Jesus name knowing that the attacks of the devil will be even greater but the power of our Savior is much larger...Love Wins!!

  2. Hi Vicky,

    "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it." (John 8:44).

    Got your attention I bet! lol

    In this verse we see Jesus, while condemning the false leaders of His day, revealing a truth that we as Christians MUST understand; a truth that brought out in your text so well: Satan is a Liar!

    Jesus calls him the Father of Lies! As such, he continually attacks God and His people with lies, falsehoods, incomplete truths (half-truths), accusations, inadequacy indictment and twisting of truth into truthful sounding doctrine. These lies are attacks on our mind, heart, conscience and self-worth with one, and only one, goal: To hinder the work of the Lord!

    When we are serving Jesus, he attacks us more. But the blessing of God is in this. You see, God knows what Satan is all about. He created Satan (with the capacity to turn against his Creator) for a reason. God uses Satan for His purposes. Without Satan, there would be no sin or knowledge of it. It is Satan that stirs us to sin by our fleshly nature. That knowledge is then turned to a death sentence by the Law of Moses. God could never have made us Holy without our knowledge of our lack of Holiness. That's why God removed the Tree of Life from the garden of Eden after man sinned. He put it there to show man that He had so much more to offer us, but when Adam & Eve sinned, access to the tree was removed. Jesus provides us with that true Holy nature when we accepted Him as out Lord and Savior. His blood cleansed us of our sins and He imparted His righteousness to us.

    So why does God allow Satan to continue, because he is still used for that purpose with every new child that is born through the ages. But why is he allowed to attack Christians? Because it is a witness to us that we ARE Children of God! If we are not attacked, we are not saved! Many call themselves Christians, but they have never truly been born-again. If they have, they will be attacked.

    But God allows this for another reason as well... You see, Satan's power was destroyed at the Resurrection. He no longer owns the world as Jesus bought it back. Satan is defeated as far as we (born-again believers) are concerned. He has no power over us, nor can he hinder us because "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world"! When Satan attacks you, rejoice! Because you are counted worthy to "suffer with Christ"! You share in His dead, so one day you can share in His Resurrection and Glory! :)

    Bottom line, when Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future! "Resist the devil and he will flee from you". :)

    lastly, if Satan attacks your ministry, then you know your doing the right stuff!

    May God Richly Bless You for All You Do for Him!

  3. You are doing what Jesus would have done and did do. Jesus had alot of trouble with the "religious" folk thats why He hung out with prostitutes and drunken sailors. Be encouraged the Lord see's your heart!
