Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The past month has been really tough for me but as I sat and thought about it today, it wasn't nearly as tough as it would have been if I didn't have faith in such an awesome God.

Looking back, as I was going through this struggle, I see now that during the whole thing, I stayed focused on God and on His words. What a great peace that was.

So now it is time to put my full energy into what I am suppose to be doing, serving those who are hopeless, hurting and homeless. So many ideas are running through my head all day long that it is hard to keep up with them sometimes.

Today was on about 45 degrees or so and rainy. My thoughts turn to those who can't afford oil, gas or electricity to heat their houses, to those who have no home. I pray that God will take care of each and every one of them. Keep them safe, healthy and warm. As for my part, I listen daily to hear God's instructions on my next steps and stand ready to serve in whatever fashion He tells me.

What about you? Is there anything you can do to help those in your community who are hopeless, hurting and homeless? My prayer is that everyone will step up and do whatever it is that God is telling them to do to help those in need. Not one person should have to live that way. Shouldn't we do all that we can to help? What is God asking you to do?

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